sick humorの例文
sick sick sick
For example, " kiss " backwards sounds like " sick ", and so the title of Yoko Ono's " Kiss Kiss Kiss " sounds like " Sick Sick Sick " or " Six Six Six " backwards. The band has within its......

a sense of humor
A sense of humor may be part of a forgiving nature. She does her job; she has a sense of humor. The most important thing is to have a sense of humor. Just assume that nobody has a sense of......

a subtreasury of american humor
""'A Subtreasury of American Humor " "'is a 1941 anthology edited by E . B . White and Katharine White, of contemporary United States humor writers.

absurd humor
Fortunately, they were able to see the absurd humor in that situation. Like Les Deschiens or Les Nuls, the collaboration deals with absurd humor. Even events such as the Holocaust are trea......

absurdist humor
You start right off with the violence and absurdist humor combined. Absurdist humor punctuates its outcroppings of psychic and physical violence. His monologues were often laced with satir......

adaptability and sense of humor
A : adaptability and sense of humor Adaptability and sense of humor Adaptability and sense of humor Helpfulness and caring / adaptability and sense of humor , cheerfulness and friendliness......

adult humor
It's adult humor worth watching again and again. Adult humor is found in many episodes of the show. The show also makes use of sub-textual adult humor through music. Adult humor keeps pare......

american humor
The topic of prison rape is relatively common in American humor. That's where the origin of American humor is ." Kennedy himself praised the record as a good example of American humor. The......

anthology of black humor
He also included Petrus Borel and Xavier Forneret in his influential " Anthology of Black Humor ". His reputation was partly rehabilitated by Andr?Breton, who included some of Forneret's p......

aqueous humor
So ibopamine can not be found in the aqueous humor after instillation. This vasoconstriction may explain the acute reduction in aqueous humor flow. This accumulation of aqueous humor cause......

aqueous humor dynamic
At the Institute of Ophthalmology in London, he worked on the explanation of the physical basis of corneal transparency, aqueous humor dynamics, and other topics in the physiology of the e......

aqueous humor dynamics
At the Institute of Ophthalmology in London, he worked on the explanation of the physical basis of corneal transparency, aqueous humor dynamics, and other topics in the physiology of the e......

art and humor
However, both comics have since taken different directions in both art and humor. Parks's love of this landscape and of Italian art and humor shines through so often that you might long fo......

australian humor
Australian humor ), American cowboys, New Englanders, people from the sagas. Australian humor translates certainly to a better-educated audience _ the so-called art film audience.

bad humor
The festivities began when Bad Humor symbolically was put to death. No wonder she's in a bad humor. Hippocrates believed that menstruation functioned to " purge women of bad humors ". And,......

barracks humor
Barrack humor also often makes use of dysphemism, such as the widespread usage of " shit on a shingle " for chipped beef.

bathroom humor
It includes frank sexual discussion, partial nudity and bathroom humor. It contains bathroom humor and depictions of life-threatening situations. Rated PG-13 ( sexual innuendo, incessant b......

biting humor
Neither book adequately reflects the biting humor of my Latino experience. His work was known for its liberal slant and biting humor. Dendy serves his key lime in the form of biting humor.......

black humor
The author uses black humor to enliven a dark, disturbing family portrait. Black humor kept alert employees who have worked nearly around the clock. Black humor is simply not enough to car......

blue humor
He was noted for his blue humor and thick, gravelly voice. And the audience had fun, enjoying the music and the blues humor. The 71-year-old performer didn't always rely on blue humor. It'......

borscht belt humor
I find Borscht Belt humor funny, but what happens when a woman does it? From starting in the Catskills fixating on Borscht Belt humor, Menchell was able to become a household name to a wid......

british humor
British humor was launched into the American mainstream and spawned. We are a pair of British Humor writers from Oxford, England. What is the difference between American and British humor?......

broad humor film festival
Coney Island Film Festival, garnered a Best Feature Comedy win in Los Angeles at the 2008 Broad Humor Film Festival, screened in New Orleans at the 2008 TOMI film festival and in Notting H......

buen humor
Este problema ensombrece el buen humor que suele mostrar Botelho. Pese a su buen humor, Romijn-Stamos suena muy seria acerca de su profesion. "Oscar no cambio realmente mi vida, " dice Swa......

bulgarian humor
But Simeon has also become the butt of Bulgarian humor. But Simeon has also become the object of Bulgarian humor.